Releasing the Energy of Blame: Embracing the Vibrational Medicine of Innocence

By Jennifer Michaels • 1/18/2025

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A soothing guided meditation to release the energy of blame, uplift your vibration, and cultivate the healing power of innocence through divine light and love.

Releasing the Energy of Blame: Embracing the Vibrational Medicine of Innocence

Welcome, dear one, to this short guided meditation. The purpose of this meditation is to uplift the energy connected to that of blame. Whether we are being blamed for something or blaming someone else—whether justified or unjustified—there’s a very precise and specific vibration that can feel very off-putting and heavy within the mind, body, and spirit complex.

This meditation serves as a remedy, vibrational medicine, if you will, to dislodge that specific energy from inside your body, mind, or the field of energy around you.

Releasing the Energy of Blame

Know that whether you are experiencing this energy, feeling it directed toward you, or emanating it yourself, there is no blame, shame, or guilt here. This is about becoming conscious of a vibration that no longer serves your highest and best good or that of others.

Take about 10 minutes to relax your body and mind. Make sure your head and neck are supported, and allow the light, love, and divine compassion to assist you in gently uplifting this energy.

Breathing and Relaxing

Connecting to the Light

Visualize a beautiful light—white, golden, or platinum—beginning to flow in and out with your breath. Imagine this light as divine love, compassion, and healing energy. Set the intention to release the vibration of blame, knowing it may have become lodged in your cells, organs, energy centers, or the field of energy surrounding your body.

Scanning and Directing the Light

Using your mind’s eye, scan your body and the energy around you:

Breathe in the light of divine love—God, the universe, or however you relate to the higher, all-loving energy—and direct it precisely to the places needing healing.

Dissolving the Energy of Blame

As the light flows through you, imagine the energy of blame melting away.

Notice if the energy of blame has a certain color, texture, or shape as it leaves your body. Feel lighter as it dissolves completely.

Cultivating Divine Innocence

Bring your focus to your heart space, asking:

Allow your heart to expand and smile, connected to divine love. Visualize beautiful colors or shimmering light filling your heart with:


Feel the vibration of innocence touching every cell, energy center, and space within and around your body. Let the golden white light shine in all directions, radiating innocence and divine love.

Closing the Meditation

Take a deep breath in and out. Gently wiggle your toes and fingers.

Place your hands over your heart and send gratitude to yourself, your inner child, and your human self for taking this time. Be proud of the work you’ve done to release blame and embrace innocence.

Stretch your arms and legs, and bring a smile to your face to anchor in positive endorphins. Trust that the seeds you’ve planted will grow in divine timing.

Final Words

Thank you for taking this time to release and heal. Floww and I are so proud of you for being willing to let go, cultivate innocence, and uplift your spirit.

We love you. Have a wonderful rest of your day, and be well.