Letter 22: Abuse and Becoming Whole

By Jennifer Michaels • 8/22/2018

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A message on healing, remembering, and reclaiming wholeness—encouraging each soul to rise above past wounds and embrace divine restoration.

Letter 22: Abuse and Becoming Whole

Dear Humans,

It has been a while since the one who interprets for us has chosen to connect.

She has her own doubts and fears about who and what we are.

In some ways, we are you.

We are her.

As she sits on the mountain of Shasta, she observes one who snowboards—old and young alike.

She watches as he stands barefoot on the snow-covered ground, changing his socks and shoes.

She wonders how he can stand the cold.

She does not yet understand the absolute miracle of the human body when it is in motion.

The Impact of Pain

This one’s body stopped operating at the hands of abuse.

She left her body.

And so, she became very good at staying connected to spirit—but less so at staying connected to the earth.

She knows this.

She criticizes herself for having more of a spiritual understanding and less of a human one, especially as she ages.

But hear this, child:

It matters not how one connects to spirit.

It may be through abuse.

It may be through an accident.

It may be through death.

Many times on your planet, tragedy causes one to look toward their Creator.

This, however, is part of the old paradigm.

And so we suggest, as we keep suggesting, that spiritual connection through joy and love is a far easier way to be in the vibration of truth and oneness.

Rising Above Density

There is too much density on Gaia.

So allow us to offer you a way to rise above it.

Begin by remembering.

To remember means to call back all parts of yourself.

Yes, call back.

Reassemble where you have been fragmented in any way.

You understand how, when one is in an automobile accident and they pass out, they leave—for the pain is too great.

One part remains, and the other part goes in order to lessen the suffering.

This is okay for the moment.

The part that leaves often connects with an angel, a loved one, a master, a teacher, or God in some way.

The part that remains may awaken to notions, memories, or nothing at all of that experience.

But know this—

You leave when you sleep.
You leave when you make love.
You leave when you are happy.
You leave when you are sad.

There is a case of emotional extremes in this realm.

The masters, however, stay steady in their being.

They remain centered in the eye of the storm.

And this is why we encourage the practice of meditation.

Restoring the Self

The deepest splits come with the deepest fear.

They may be conscious or unconscious.

They may seem irreversible.

But hear this:

This is never the case.

All things can be restored.

All things can be remembered.

All things can be put back together.

It is never too late.

It is never too far gone.

It is never unforgivable.

And so, today, we bring back pieces, fragmentations, and lost vibrations.

Becoming Whole Again

The one who writes did split—
with sexual, physical, mental, and spiritual abuse.

She split further—
with drugs, alcohol, and prescriptions.

She split again—
with sex, self-doubt, TV, the internet, and cell phone usage.

But hear this:

There is not one among you who is truly whole.

Each of you are becoming whole—just as the planet and all upon her are ascending.

This is as it was meant to be.

For as the planet moves closer and closer to God, so do you.

And as each of you intend wholeness, you will support each other in this journey.

A Sacred Affirmation

Go ahead now.

Support one another.

Support yourselves in love.

And as you do, we offer you these words of creation:

I am whole.
I am whole.
I am whole.

Do not wait for wholeness.

Do not believe it will come later.

Instead, allow yourself to feel into it now.

I am whole now.
I am whole now.
I am whole.


Amen means you agree with your own statement of creation.

And in saying this, you become whole.

And in your becoming, you assist your neighbor in becoming whole as well.

You Are Exactly Where You Need to Be

Yes, things are changing.

Yes, they are.

But do not lose faith.

You are exactly where you need to be.

You are loved.

We love you dearly, and with a tender heart.

For the sake of your well-being, enjoy your day and its offerings.

Signing off for now,
The Great Beyond