Letter 23: Being the Bird

By Jennifer Michaels • 8/24/2018

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A message of awakening—choosing love, embracing nature, and remembering the power of creation within.

Letter 23: Being the Bird

Dear Humans,

In this day and age, fear abounds.

We offer you now an opportunity to choose love.

We understand that love on this planet—sweet Gaia—is not always easy to come by.

But notice, if you will, the true love in the small things.

In this way, love will expand.

Love Without Disaster

You do not need a disaster to call forth compassion in people.

No event outweighs another.

The compassion that arises from catastrophic events is not enough to balance the event itself.

And so, we—the Galactic Federation of Light—offer you a new way:

A way to call forth love and compassion without suffering.

A way to balance the energies of the planet through choice, not crisis.

Are You Waiting?

Are you waiting for a savior to do this for you?

Are you waiting for a wave, an event, or divine intervention to heal Gaia and her inhabitants?

Are you waiting for Armageddon to take the wicked?

Little ones, humans, please look around.

Lift up your heads.

Gain a larger perspective.

How to See the Truth

You may ask, How?

The how is not through media.

On this planet, the how is through nature.

Go outside.

See for yourself what is real and what is not real.

Observe the absolute tyranny of the screens and choose something else instead.

Nature herself will broaden your vision

Individual, familial, community, and global.

She will show you truth beyond illusion.

The Boxes That Hold You

There are boxes you live in—energetic structures that contain your thoughts and beliefs.

These boxes trap energy in negative ways.

These boxes are not beneficial for the human spirit.

Notice what is around you.

See for yourself how nature dances.

She is connected to her Source, as are you.

The Force That Fears Your Light

Yes, there is a force that would prefer the magnificence of the human spirit never shine through.

There is a force that does not want you to understand your power as a creator.

But hear this, child—

You are creating.

With your beliefs, your thoughts, your words, your actions.

You are creating through your vibration.

You are choosing which direction to go.

Be awake.

Be aware.

The power of your being is greater than you have been told.

What Is Not Real Will Fall

It is only a matter of time.

What is not life is death.

Honor life.

Honor nature
the air, the water, the trees, the animals.

Honor that which is alive around you.

Honor each other.

What Do You Honor?

Is money alive?

Is the new car, the new clothes, the new house?


These things are not alive at the level of the bird, the mountaintop, the rocks, the snow, the rain.

The apple. The kale.

Be the Bird

Watch the birds.

Observe their formation.

And for today, be the bird.

Fly above the illusions of this world.

See from a higher perspective.

Let nature remind you of what is real.

This is all.

Signing off for now,
With great love and respect for all of humanity,
The Great Beyond