Letter 21: Pain and Peace on Earth
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Letter 21: Pain and Peace on Earth
Dear Humans,
On this day, our subject, known as the Interpreter, sits in her car on the mountain.
She allows the white snow to fall, trying to comprehend how no two flakes are identical.
She feels the pain in her body and the emotions rising as she releases the past in order to move forward.
She has much to release, and in her intention, we support her journey to become more and more free.
Now, all of you—each of you—have your own wounds to release.
She forgets that she is not different from her fellows.
She believes her pain is unique in some way, but we tell you this:
Pain is pain.
And the reasons why you have pain do not matter.
You have pain.
All of humanity has pain—in one form or another.
The Energy of Darkness
Part of this pain comes from the energy of darkness that came upon your planet.
Even Gaia herself carries her own pain.
This is not to say that there are no other energies available to you.
There are many.
And it is your choice now—
as it is hers—
to choose a higher vibration, one that is more suited to who and what you truly are.
You are creations of the One Great Creator.
You are divine in your being.
You are capable of so much more than you can possibly imagine.
The Gift of Encouragement
And so, we come today to uplift your souls.
We come to assist all of humanity in rising up to its rightful place—
as the holy, sacred, and divine beings you are.
Say these words aloud and proclaim them as truth:
I am holy.
I am sacred.
I am divine.
Yes, I am.
I am holy.
I am sacred.
I am divine.
Yes, I am.
You Are Loved
Listen, as we whisper in your ear:
You are loved.
You are deeply and profoundly loved.
By whom, you may ask?
By the One who created you.
By the One who created us also.
We are your brothers and sisters, and we are here to assist you.
We are part of the One, yet we are not the One.
The One is pure love and light—and can only love Her creation.
There is no other choice.
Feel the Love of the Creator
So, feel now, if you will—
the love of your true Mother, your true Father, from whom you were born.
Love yourselves.
Love your DNA, your bones, your blood, your breath.
Love your organs, your brain, your heart.
Love your inner and outer being.
Love your energy field.
Pour golden light from Heaven into your being.
She loves you with a tender heart.
Not one of you on this planet at this time fully understands the depth of the Creator’s love.
But we tell you this now:
There is coming a day—and that day is soon—when you will awaken to just how valuable and cherished you are.
You Are a Creator
Because you came from the Great Creator, you too are a great creator by birthright.
At this time, the most important way to use your creative power is by raising your own vibration.
This is our intention in sending these letters—to assist humanity in this endeavor.
As you raise your vibration, you will draw closer to the Great Creator.
Miracles and Peace
There was a parting of the Red Sea—yes, this is true.
But miracles happen every day in countless ways.
The clouds part, and the sun shines again.
So go ahead now and proclaim—
I am ready for peace on Earth.
I am ready.
I am ready.
I am ready.
There is nothing more for us to say at this time, except this:
We love you more than you can imagine.
Feel into all the love that is here for you now.
Signing off for now,
The Great Beyond