Letter 20: True Power
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Letter 20: True Power
Dear Humans,
We come to you today with a loving heart.
We watch and observe our channel as her faith wavers—wondering who and what she is, and why she is here.
For those who channel messages from The Great Beyond, they must stand strong in their own sense of self.
To choose to come to this planet at this time as a lightworker or way-shower takes great strength.
Many of you reading now—if you have not already understood your purpose and reason for being here—know this:
Just by reading these words, you are activating the remembrance of who and what you are.
Soul understanding and planetary awareness are being called forth now, by all beings who long for peace on earth.
If this is you, dear one, then you are being activated now to a greater understanding of yourself.
No matter how immersed you are in the ways of this world, in separation or duality, if even one molecule of your being responds to the idea of peace on earth, then you have already been activated to the truth.
You Have a Right to Peace
The time is over now where you tolerate what has been fed into your consciousness.
There is another way to live, another way to be.
Do not let strange teachings and distortions fool you.
You have a right to peace.
It is your birthright.
We do not always understand what is happening around us or why, but we are empowered within our own being.
You are empowered and sovereign to choose the energetic vibration of peace.
The Illusion of Waiting
Because of the programming taking place through technologies, you may believe that you are waiting—
Waiting for the day of peace to come.
Waiting for the day of reckoning.
But we offer you this:
That day is today.
That moment is now.
You choose within your own being.
You choose—through your words and intentions—your own peace.
There are many ways for us to communicate this, but in this moment, we offer you these affirmative words:
I have peace of mind.
I have peace of heart.
I have peace of body.
I have peace of presence.
And let it be, and so it is.
I have peace of mind.
I have peace of heart.
I have peace of body.
I have peace of presence.
And let it be, and so it is.
You Are a Creator
These are your words and your intentions, for you are the captain of your own ship.
You are the intender and creator.
Fall to your knees and pray your affirmations.
Or stand outside with your arms open to the heavens.
Either way, you are taking responsibility for your inner world, your inner universe.
The great lie that has penetrated this planet would lead you to believe you are powerless.
When, in truth, you are powerful creators.
You have been told this before, even through Christ:
“These things and greater you will do.”
The most powerful miracle you can create in this moment is to ignite the vibration of peace within your own being.
The Reflection of the Inner World
Inner turmoil creates outer turmoil.
Inner war creates outer war.
Inner confusion creates outer confusion.
Come back now to the being you are.
Choose peace—
Peace within your nervous system.
Peace within your spine.
Peace within your breath.
When you find unity within yourself—a singleness of purpose that unites heart and mind, body and soul—you will be, as you already are, all that you came here to be.
Go first into the crevices of your being.
Every cell.
Every molecule.
Every strand of DNA.
Your blood.
Your bones.
Your organs.
And fill them with the vibration of peace.
This Is Your True Nature
This is the truth of who and what you are.
Stop now the influx of anything or anyone that tells you differently.
Old soul, young soul, wisdom keeper—
We speak to you today with a gentle invocation:
Peace on Earth begins within you.
Breathe now, as we cover you with blankets of warmth and comfort.
This planet was made for you to enjoy.
A garden where the spiritual may become material.
Everything is alive and flowing with consciousness.
So be peace.
Speak peace into existence.
This is your true power.
We love you with a gentle and tender heart.
Signing off for now,
The Great Beyond