Letter 12: About Guilt and Innocence

By Jennifer Michaels • 7/30/2018

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A message about the illusion of guilt, the divine perspective of innocence, and the freedom found in releasing judgment. There is no judge, no courtroom, no verdict—only love and truth.

Letter 12: About Guilt and Innocence

The Collective Vein of Guilt

Dear Humans,

On this day, we offer you our tender heart of love.

In many ways, you believe you have done something wrong. Through the collective, there runs a vein of guilt—a thread of energy woven into human experience.

But hear us now:

This vein is not true.

It is not healthy.

It is not beneficial.

There is no deep explanation needed, for most understand this vibration the moment it is mentioned. Guilt lingers—sometimes conscious, sometimes unconscious—but it is always there, embedded in the human psyche.

The Simple Release of Guilt

The removal of this energy is simple.

It does not require punishment.

It does not require atonement.

It does not require suffering.

It requires only one thing:

Asking for its release.

Guilt is not a useful tool.

It is part of the old energies—part of the war, part of the deception, part of the veil that has been placed upon humanity throughout time.

It is time to let it go.

The Power of One

As the great teacher says, it only takes one.

You are the one.

You, in this moment, hold the power to claim your own truth.

You, in this moment, may speak the words out loud:

I am not guilty.

The Illusion of Judgment

Now hear this:

Guilt is old. Guilt is false. Guilt is untrue.

This scene—this trial, this punishment, this weight—may seem real, whether it comes from your own experience, from stories you have been told, or from the collective consciousness.

But we come to you with a different vibration.

This is a vibration of acceptance.

This is a vibration of allowing.

This is a vibration of love and truth.

Again, we invite you to claim this now:

I am not guilty.

Expanding Beyond the Illusion

The mind will argue.

The mind will point to many, many examples—stories of history, of harm, of suffering, of past mistakes, of others, of yourself.

But we offer you this:

For one moment, allow yourself the big picture.

Move far beyond the illusion.

Look at the planet you call home.

See its beauty.

See the oceans, the land, the trees, the plants, and the animals.

See yourself.

See the humans in the garden.

The Truth of Creation

Might they make mistakes?

Might the lion, the bear, the giraffe make mistakes?

Might the mosquito?

Or are they simply being what they were created to be?

Are they not all creations of the divine?

Who, then, is guilty?

The Divine Perspective

There is a bigger picture.

The majority of humans live with the intent to do no harm.

Some do not understand they are causing harm.

Some are in pain.

Some are playing a role.

It matters not.

There is a divine perspective available to all.

Allow yourself this luxury of understanding.

And now, claim again for yourself:

I am not guilty.

No matter who you are, no matter where you have been, no matter what you have done—this statement is true.

The Innocence Within

Begin again.

Forgive yourself.

Forgive the other.

Forgive the divine.

Release all so-called hurts, harms, fights, and wars.

See now the innocence in all.

See the innocence in yourself first.

See yourself as a baby.

See all beings in their infancy.

The purity in which you arrived is the same purity that belongs to all.

A Final Affirmation

I am innocent.

You are innocent.

We are innocent.

We love you more today than ever.

Please rest easy in our love.

Signing off for now,
The Great Beyond