Letter 13: Channeling and Choices
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Letter 13: Channeling and Choices
The Nature of These Letters
Dear Humans,
On this day, it is important to understand that all communications from the Great Beyond are given in metaphor and symbolism.
These are not religious texts.
They do not represent right or wrong.
They are not a podium from which to preach.
These letters exist to encourage and uplift, if they will.
Doubt in the Midst of Chaos
Now, as the world changes, as fires burn in California, our beloved one who writes does not fully understand why she is here.
She questions her presence in the midst of the smoke.
She wants to leave, yet she wants to stay.
She hears our words, yet she does not always believe them.
This is the quandary of the channeler.
It is a deep, inner knowing—a force pushing through.
And so, what else can she do but allow?
Allow for peace in her own heart.
Fear of Creating Something Dangerous
This one, who grew up in religion and saw firsthand the horrors of dogma, now wonders:
- What if my own spiritual experiences create something similar?
- What if these letters are misunderstood?
- What if someone turns them into something dangerous?
This is her fear.
She wonders:
Is what I am allowing to come through even real? Even true?
The Truth of Creation
So, we offer her this:
Be true to your own self.
Be true to your own calling.
Create as you will, and let the deck of cards fall where they may.
For what if—
- These letters uplift just one in spirit?
- And what if that one is only the channeler herself?
- And what if, as she writes and surrenders to the inspiration flowing through her, she herself evolves?
What if—what is happening—is good?
The Perspective of Love
There are always many perspectives to take.
Which perspective allows for:
- More love?
- More peace?
- More goodness?
- More compassion?
- More tolerance?
- More hope?
This is the way of all things.
Let us hope for the day when:
- The smoke clears.
- The fires cease.
- The sky is blue.
Yet, even in the fire and smoke, there is wisdom.
May we learn from the evolution of matter and non-matter alike.
The Perfection of Every Path
May we see what is in front of us.
May we trust the unfolding—through the help of the Great Forever.
Let it be known:
- My journey is perfect.
- Your journey is perfect.
- Our journey is perfect.
The Power of Allowing
May we allow each being their own unique experience, without judgment.
May we allow the channeler—who has surrendered her will to the Divine many times—to have her own unique experience, in this body, in this form, in this particular time.
Will she allow it?
The Questions for Us All
- Will we allow the fires to burn?
- Will we love each other through the fires, floods, and hurricanes?
- Will we hold each other through the tornadoes and earthquakes?
- Do we have the fortitude to be gentle with what is?
The Gift of Choice
We do not know.
We cannot say for sure.
Because each soul gets to choose.
This is the honor and privilege of life on Gaia at this time.
Can You Choose Wrongly?
Of course not.
But you can choose:
- Up or down
- Acceptance or judgment
- Violence or nonviolence
There are many, many choices for us all.
And in this, there is also a power—a power that stands for:
- Beauty
- Creativity
- Love
- Kindness
- Peace on Earth
This power is many.
This power is available to all.
Ask, and you will receive.
The Channeler’s Surrender
And so, she—the channeler—hopes and surrenders to the vision she has been given.
She holds no attachment to the outcome.
What more can one do?
A Blessing for All
We bless you today with a tender heart.
May we all move forward in our discovery of love.
May we walk together in the evolution of humanity.
Indeed, we can.
Signing off for now,
The Great Beyond