Letter 16: Going to Nature for Answers

By Jennifer Michaels • 8/14/2018

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A channeled message about seeking wisdom and connection through nature, releasing control, and embracing divine flow.

Letter 16: Going to Nature for Answers

Dear Humans,

Even when this channel is sad, she channels. She listens.

We give her breaks to go about her life, to get settled in here in this new land. Yet on this day, with a long to-do list, she just keeps coming here to the mountain to interpret our letters as she is so guided.

This is an example for all beings. All beings are indeed spirit beings. She is. You are. We are.

The physical is an outpouring of the spiritual.

The spiritual is an outpouring of Source. Source is only one word in our limited way of expressing through this channel.

Might we say Source, or Great Creator, or Divine Intelligence, or Universal Love? Might we say God? Of course, we could use any of these terms to describe the All from which we all came.

Do Not Argue Over Spiritual Matters

Do not allow yourselves to fight over this.

No, please do not argue amongst yourselves about spiritual matters. This will only serve to separate, and separation goes against the flow.

Going against the flow will cause pain. Catch yourself if you feel the need to be right about something. The need to be right will also go against the flow.

So it is important that you receive your own internal guidance from what you would consider your highest God-Self, or God Herself.

Young ones, old ones, beautiful ones—we are here with you. We are here with humanity at this time.

We are you. We were you. We are assisting now in this process of change.

The Divine Flow of Change

This change is only for the good—the divine good.

This is why the Earth and her inhabitants are all experiencing so many different vibrations at this time. We are elevating humanity.

Source is now breathing in. We are all moving closer to Source.

This is a good thing. And this is why it is so important to let go.

Do not fight the flow of things.

Do you understand?

Each one is receiving guidance from the Divine on the ways in which they play their own unique part in this divine coming together. The Earth will have peace.

Peace and the Redistribution of Resources

This is now.

Peace is indeed the first step. After this, there will be a redistribution of resources.

You cannot really own anything. Peace does not come from hoarding or claiming water, food, air, shelter. No. Peace comes from sharing—even to the point of your own willingness to go without.

You will understand better when you know how deeply loved you are and that you are eternal. So if you allow your neighbor to eat while you go without, and you transition into spirit, why would you worry?

In spirit, all is well.

The Mother’s Love for All

Please, at this time, allow yourself to feel the great love—the Mother’s love—who says to you:

“My child, my love for you is unconditional. My love for you is deep. My love for you is beyond your human understanding.”

As she speaks, allow yourself to see all of your brothers and sisters on this planet. Allow yourself to see that they, too, are loved at this level—each one, every one.

See, if you will, the Great Mother’s love for all of her creation.

Let Go of Judgment

Do not judge the one who stands before you. You do not know their path.

Do not judge the one who is a different gender—whether male, female, X, or whatever.

Do not judge the one whose skin is different.

This is silly.

Look at the many beautiful colors of beings on this planet, the textures, the markings, the eyes. Appreciate them for the absolute uniqueness of creation that they are.

You Are Not Alone in the Universe

Yes, children of Gaia, we beseech you now to receive your birthright of pure, unconditional love from your Mother. And then, from your overflow, send it to all beings—all matter—on this planet and other planets as well.

Yes, of course, children, you are not alone in the universe.

To believe otherwise would be what some may refer to as solocentric. Who are you to determine all creation from Source?

You are not the one to determine.

You are the one to know and breathe in your oneness.

The True Christ Speaks

Now, the Great Master Teacher Christ comes forward with his gentle spirit, reminding humanity of the lies that were told about him.

In his name, many were hurt, harmed, bludgeoned, and killed. This was never the intention.

How did things take a turn for the worse?

They took this turn because man had a need for power and control. And why did man seek power and control?

Because he forgot who he was and so had fear—fear of not enough, fear of death.

But if we remind you now that there is enough, and that there really is no death, then you will walk an easier path.

Seek Truth in Nature

This is the path the true Christ teaches:

Go to your Mother Nature. Put your bare feet on her and ask your questions for yourself.

In this place, you will know in your own heart and soul the true Christ, who lives in you and loves you unconditionally. He will indeed answer each and all of your questions in ways uniquely designed for you—for your deepest understanding—to evolve with the flow of Gaia at this time in our story.

Blessings Upon You

On this day, we are delighted to sprinkle blessings on you and your loving heart.

We love you more than you can imagine.

Indeed. Indeed. Indeed.

Signing off now,
The Great Beyond