Letter Six: Worthiness and the Glory of God
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Get Jennifer Michaels' Original RecordingA channeled message from The Great Beyond, reminding us of our worthiness, the infinite love that surrounds us, and the divine inheritance that belongs to all. A sacred breath practice to receive the glory of God.
Letter Six: Worthiness and the Glory of God
Dear Humans,
In this day and age—whichever day and age it may be as you read—please remember how deep our love is for you.
The wisdom we offer is timeless, and in our amazing assessment of each being, we honor you for your participation in the coming of the ages.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Each of you, all of you—breathe.
We will quiet our presence for one moment so you may receive the gift.
Receive and give.
Receive and give.
The breath of life.
Breathe in. You receive.
You may now receive the oxygen in the room.
You may receive the energy of that which is around you.
With intention, you may receive the glory of God, from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet.
Intend—if you would like—for the glory of God to enter on the in-breath.
Say it with us now:
I intend for the glory of God to enter on the in-breath.
I intend for the glory of God to enter on the in-breath.
I intend for the glory of God to enter on the in-breath.
You Are Worthy
There is not one among you who is not worthy of the glory of God.
Not one.
We repeat this with earnest—from the least to the greatest, if there is such a thing—you are worthy of the inheritance of the heavens.
Yet, you may wish to argue.
You may say, “I am not worthy.”
You may repeat within yourself the evidence of this so-called unworthiness.
Where does that belief live in your body?
What part of your being resists its own value and worth?
The heart?
The belly?
The mind?
Find this place.
Find it with your breath.
Connect to it.
Place your hand on this part of your body.
Now, say:
I intend for the glory of God to enter my mind.
I intend for the glory of God to enter my heart.
I intend for the glory of God to enter my throat.
Wherever it may be—stop now, if you like, and breathe.
Take ten breaths.
Then, let go.
You are worthy.
You are worthy.
You are worthy.
The Light Within You
With your feet on the ground and your face toward the heavens, we see the light in you.
No matter where you are, the light is there.
The light is inside of you and outside of you.
You are indeed a child of the Light.
Now, we ask:
How may we support you on your journey?
How may we lift you in this human body you call home?
We offer all that we are to be the wind beneath your wings.
We lift you to the highest heights.
We are here.
We are here.
We are here.
Unconditional Love
Our love for you is not contingent on what you do, see, hear, think, or fail.
Our love knows no bounds or limits.
We are the One.
And so are you.
We intend that our divine connection with you enhances and increases, so that all beings—who are, who have been, and who will be—receive this gift of security in their eternal nature.
May we love you even more now.
Say with us:
I intend for the glory of God to enter through my crown.
I intend for the glory of God to enter through my crown.
I intend for the glory of God to enter through my crown.
Now, beloved one, open the energy above your physical head.
Allow the glory of God to move through your entire being.
Let it flow through your joints, organs, bones, blood, cells, and DNA.
Allow the glory to lift you high on a pedestal and comfort your soul.
You are one.
We are one.
We are one.
A Divine Invitation
This is a suggestion only—never a mandate.
It is but one way to connect your temporary body and eternal spirit with your true nature and everlasting home.
This is true.
This is true.
This is true.
Our Final Blessing
Oh, dear one,
How much we love you.
How much we care.
Please, enjoy your day and your time on this planet.
We will never leave.
We are eternally by your side.
May blessings be showered upon your head in this now moment.
We are always cherishing you.
Signing off for now,
Yours always and forever,
The Great Beyond
A Note on This Letter
This was Letter Six from The Great Beyond, one of 23 channeled letters during my time on the mountain in Mount Shasta, California.
Letter Six was channeled on July 8, 2018, at 4:15 PM.
We know that these letters instigate an awakening—a subtle expansion of energy.
So, please take care of yourself.
Notice any shifts in your energy field, your thoughts, your feelings.
You might like to journal, meditate, pray, or spend time in nature after reading this.
Just take good care of yourself.
Know that I love you.
That Floww loves you.
Enjoy the rest of your evening or your day, and be well.