Letter 17: Love and Calm

By Jennifer Michaels • 8/15/2018

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A channeled message about embracing love and calm as a birthright, and how patience and breath bring us closer to divine peace.

Letter 17: Love and Calm

Dear Humans,

Let us speak again on this day to offer each of you more love than you may have known previously.

Now, what is love in this way? Is it an emotion?

Is it a physical feeling? An action?

Many have contemplated the notion of love throughout all time and space—indeed, on your own planet especially. Certainly, our interpreter has contemplated love and has even written a book about it.

She is wondering where we are going with this.

She is nervous about this answer. So we offer, out of the gate:

Love is patient.

Have you heard this before? Have you heard this sentiment in other ancient texts? Of course, many have, but allow us to offer a fresher perspective as we imbue you with the energetic vibration of patience.

The Breath of Patience

Breathe now. Slowly, if you will.

Stop reading, or whatever you are doing or planning. Stop and breathe.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

The need to know, the need for answers, the need to be right—as we have discussed previously—takes us away from love, takes us away from patience. Love does not need to control a situation, person, place, or thing. Love can only observe in quiet understanding through breath.

If you are impatient with the line at the store, for example, where do you feel it in your body?

Notice where you may hold the frequency of impatience and breathe a nice, long, slow breath into that area of your body.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

For many, the nervous system has been on overdrive for the sake of keeping up or self-protection.

The Nervous System and Calm

The nervous system begins in the spine and is triggered to act and respond as it has been trained through the vast experiences of your soul’s journey. Can you see your own spine, with all the nerves traversing their way throughout the whole of your body—even into the areas where you may be feeling the energetic vibration frequencies of impatience?

So then, close your eyes and see inside your own body. See your nervous system. Notice the color, texture, and any hyperactivity of the nervous system, if it is present.

With your mind’s eye, breathe in the ointment medicine of calm.

How does calm vibrate?

What is its color, texture, feeling?

Where does calm come from?

It comes from your ability to choose it, if you will, and as you choose it, you are always assisted in some way. It is like choosing God.

God is love.

God is calm.

Breathe in calm.

Breathe out calm.

Since you choose calm, you are supported in ways yet unknown to you.

You are supported by spirit, higher realms, and higher ways of being.

The Power of Choosing Calm

If no one taught you about meeting calm or peacefulness, you would not know its power on the surface level. But we promise you this—you do know, on the soul level.

All beings know, at least in their deepest selves, their own birthright to calm.

Yes, this is your birthright—each and every one. Do you understand?

Breathe in peace.

Breathe out peace.

Children of God, there is not one among you who does not truly desire the fullness of all the gifts of love.

So, to truly love yourself, choose calmness on this day through your breath and intention, and see then if you are not supported fully by the universe—even tenfold in your efforts.

See if your own body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit do not benefit greatly.

See if your loved ones, and the world around you, also do not reap the benefits of your own choosing.

The Frequency of Love

So now, if you will:

Breathe in love.

Breathe out love.

Because you are divine and worthy of this vibration.

Yes, you are, dear ones. Young ones. Old ones.

Yes, you are.

We love you with a tender heart—all on this day—and sprinkle dustings of calm, crystal-light energy for you to share.

Signing off now,
The Great Beyond