Letter 19: Divine Responsibility

By Jennifer Michaels • 8/19/2018

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A message on divine responsibility, surrender, and the eternal nature of the soul. A reminder to release fear, embrace trust, and step into the flow of spirit.

Letter 19: Divine Responsibility

Dear Humans,

How do you know what is right and what is wrong?

How can you tell?

We come to you this day from the mountaintop, through this channel who struggles as all do.

When do we speak, and when do we remain quiet?

When do we bring light, and when do we hold deep reverence?

These are the questions for today.

As the sun sets once again, we come with the breath of a butterfly and a hand held out to receive the nutrients of spirit.

We come with gentle and unconditional love for the one who writes and the one who reads.

We are The Great Beyond, and yet we remain as the cross, the labyrinth, and the crystal ball in the heart of all.

We are the mountain.

We are the kingdom.

As the prophet and universal Creator has reminded us many times:

The kingdom is inside of you.

The Way of the Master

“This and greater shall you do.”

And so, she calls upon crystal-clear clarity within herself.

She calls upon the light in her inner being to provide the way.

The way of the master lives within us all.

Take a breath.

Set an intention that coexists with the highest and best good for all.

This is the great surrender.

Surrendering to Divine Guidance

How do you know which way to go—right or left, up or down, inside or out?

Call now upon spirit.

Set your intention.

Surrender your human will to the will of God.

Then, watch with eagle eyes as the divine stream of life unfolds before you.

There are times when no choice is a choice—to be the observer of your own creations in the vibration of total, holy responsibility.

“I choose. I choose. I choose again… or not at all.”

Oh, dear human, we dance with you and we play.

The true masters on this planet at this time are the children.

Watch and learn—as they remain innocent, as they smile, as they let go and play without fear of loss.

What can you really lose?


This is true.

The Illusion of Loss

She believes that if she chooses wrong, she may lose money, a house, a relationship, a business.

Deeper still, she believes she may lose friendship, respect, and love.

Ah, yes.

But the fear of losing love is not love at all.

And what of others’ opinions?

What if they judge her?

“Did I do something wrong?"
"Did I make a mistake?"
"Am I too much of this and not enough of that?”

Her fear runs deep today.

And yet, as we speak, on the other side of the country, a hurricane ravages the land, the people, and their homes.

Do they care in this moment what anyone thinks?

Of course not.

They move with the energy of survival.

And from the wreckage, stories of compassion and heroes emerge.

You Cannot Lose

We cannot lose.

It is impossible.

Feel into this statement:

“There is nothing for me to lose—not really. Nothing that matters.”

I am eternal.
I am eternal.
I am eternal.

Transforming Pain into Light

What can we transmute and transform in times of hurt, pain, sorrow, and loss?

We can transform lies into truth.

By remembering to come first to the heart—where Christ lives in all—
By breathing.
By letting go.

Do the best you can in all situations.

Breathe. Let go.

Know your rights as a sovereign being.
Know your privacy.
Know your boundaries.

Choose kindness.

And be a hero for yourself today.

We leave you with lines of energy that are smooth, easy, and like Christ—all clear water to soothe your soul in troubled times.

Signing off for now,
The Great Beyond