Letter Nine: War and Blessing

By Jennifer Michaels • 7/10/2018

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A profound message on transcending conflict through love and blessing. Learn how true victory is found not in battle, but in surrendering to the power of divine love.

Letter Nine: War and Blessing

Dear Humans,

There is an infinite amount of love for each of you—all of you. Why then would you ever believe I would love your brother or sister more or less than you?

This is why we offer this sentiment: bless your enemy.

The Path to Victory: Blessing Your Enemy

How do you win a war? Not by force, not by domination, but by surrendering, by blessing those you perceive as your enemy.

This is how you win each time, every time. This is how you remember—those you fight are your brothers and sisters.

If they do not remember this, it is okay. They will.

We are one.
We are one.
We are one.

We speak of this truth in many ways: Lay down your arms.

Now, this may seem counterproductive when protection is needed, wanted, or desired. But we show you this truth in the hope that it will take root within your being.

The Illusion of Death

There is no death.

There is only illusion.

There is transformation.

There is transfiguration.

Look at the word itself—“trans.” This is the key. It signifies movement: from physical, condensed matter to non-physical, light, spirit, being. This is the journey, the great remembering of who and what you are.

Yes, you are eternal. And so is your neighbor.

Who Is Your Neighbor?

Your neighbor is:

Yes, this one is your love.

Whether they are male or female, old or young, rich or poor, educated or lost in suffering, they are near you—and they are divine. This is the one you must bless.

How to Bless Another

As we have shown in letters before, you can connect from the top of your head to the heavens and from the bottom of your feet to the earth.

Allow this combination of energy to stream through you.

Heaven and earth will come every time you call.

You cannot do this wrong.

There is only intention.

There is no better or worse way. In a single breath, you have the power and authority to:

From your heart, you may intend, see, hear, sense, or feel the blessing moving gently—toward your divine enemy, your brother, your sister, your lover, your mother, your father, your friend, or the soldier in another land.

Yes, even those in different costumes, wearing the flags of their countries—they are yours to bless.

The Power and Authority to Bless

Blessing is not only for saints, sages, religious leaders, shamans, or healers.

This power and authority is for all who are in physical form at this moment in history.

Do you understand?

As you offer the blessing, you receive the blessing.

And in this, you yourself are healed, cleansed, cleared, and blessed beyond your wildest imagination. This is true.

A Message of Love

We smile at you today as you read these passages.

We know who you are.

We love you with a tender heart.

Our love for you will never end.

And in the same way we offer you this method of blessing, we offer it to you always, as a continuous stream.

Please, open your divine heart center and allow this blessing to flow through you.

A Prayer for Receiving

You may repeat:

“Today, I open my divine heart center and allow the blessings of heaven and earth to flow through me. I receive, I receive, I receive.”

We are taking you now to places yet unknown.

This is not because of anything you have done or not done.

It is simply because we are all moving closer to the center, the source, the God, the Love.

How you choose to phrase it does not matter.

We are all moving closer to the light.

This is our journey. This is so.

The War Is Over

Is there anything more for us to say on this day?


There is no such thing as an enemy.

So when it feels like there is, please—use your power and authority to send blessings.

This will not make sense on many levels.

But it will on the deepest one.

Go now to the deepest part of your being and feel into your own truth.

The world is changing.

The war is over.

The wars are over.

This is true.

This is true.

This is true.

A Song of Joy

We close now with a song—the song of joy.

If you will, close your eyes for the next one to three minutes, and we will sing this song into your soul.

We love you with a tender heart.

Yours forever and ever,

The Great Beyond.

Rest now, if you will, and allow the Great Beyond to sing into your soul.

Thank you. Be well.