Letter 14: War and Peace

By Jennifer Michaels • 8/12/2018

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A channeled message about the deeper truth behind war and peace, and the role of consciousness in shaping humanity's future.

Letter 14: War and Peace

Dear Humans,

How much we adore you. How much we care. We are here.

We are here.

We are here.

We offer today a message of great hope for all.

This message is for all who are currently reading it, hearing it, feeling it.

It is important to reaffirm the previous notion that the war is over.

This is the message.

Anything and everything you feel otherwise is only remnants and debris of the old energies and ways of being that are passing away. Today, there is a new energy wave of peace.

This is the peace that surpasses all understanding.

The End of Fear

Humankind has long been driven by fear—the fear of not enough. Not enough love, air, food, water, shelter, kindness. Not enough money. Not enough gold. This, in turn, created the need to take, not necessarily out of greed, but out of survival.

Now, when you understand that survival is only a made-up concept, you will release even this notion. You are eternal beings.

This is the truth.

You cannot truly die. The body may release, dissolve, dismantle, but the body is only temporary.

The Truth of Who You Are

You, too, are a part of us—the great beyond. You are a part of the whole.

Children, you know this to be true in your soul and spirit. Even your body and your cells know this. That is why you feel relief when we offer these words.

These letters are a way of communicating to move deeper into all the cracks and crevices within you—so you may know and believe deeply in who and what you are.

You are precious, worthy, valuable beings of light.

Yes, indeed. Each one of you may claim in your inner being or out loud:

We are eternal, sacred, holy beings of light.

Yes, we are. Each one.

I am. You are. This is true.

A New Wave of Peace

We are one—children, old souls, young souls. Listen to the wave of peace that is yours now—not in some distant future, but now. No matter what is going on around you, no matter what, close your eyes and feel the peace.

This is your true birthright.

Did you make a mistake? Did you hurt someone? Did someone hurt you?

These are indeed the things to forgive.

Yes, you can forgive. In forgiveness, pull yourself back and see the bigger picture. See Earth in her beauty. See humankind at peace. See yourself at peace.

Look at Gaia without markings that delineate boundaries and borders. Pull yourself up and out. Give yourself a bird’s-eye view.

See the truth. You are free.

We are free. Free in our knowing of our eternal nature. So then, you cannot really die.

We cannot really die. So then, we are free.

Love Without Limits

We are free to love without limits and give without fear of loss. If, in your giving, the body perishes, what is that?

It is an even greater expansion of who and what you are.

The veil is thinner now than ever before. This means you see us, hear us, feel us—loving you without fear, giving to you without limits.

Gaia, Your Host

Gaia is a garden. She is a living, breathing soul unto herself.

She is your host. You are her guest. See her as she truly is—pristine in her existence, clean, pure, strong, loving, and kind. She is the host to many, many, many.

She is gentle in spirit. She is gracious.

She does not need boundaries to keep one in or another out. Neither do you.

The Pathway to Peace

So today, consider these words we offer you as a pathway to what you truly desire to experience on this planet at this particular time in our story.

Yes, you may repeat out loud if it resonates with you:


Dear ones, we leave you today with a tender heart of joy. Call upon us anytime, and we will indeed come to your side. We will indeed assist you in all ways.

We love you dearly.

This is true.

Signing off now,
The Great Beyond