Letter 11: Resting on the Rock

By Jennifer Michaels • 7/25/2018

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A message about surrender, stillness, and trusting the divine path. Even in uncertainty and exhaustion, we are always guided. The rock is here to support us—allow its warmth to nourish your soul.

Letter 11: Resting on the Rock

Can We Only Listen When Everything is Perfect?

Now, on this day, the channel—as we will often refer to her—is tired. She believes that when she is tired, when she has a headache, when some things in her life feel dissatisfying, it means she cannot channel or interpret a letter.

But is this the case?

Is this the truth?

Must all things be perfect before she can listen, before she can interpret, before she can connect with Spirit?

We offer this as an example of love:

Even in her weariness, even in her lack of understanding, even in her confusion about what she is doing here on Mount Shasta—why she has been brought here at this time in her story—she still listens and surrenders to the call.

The Illusion of Unworthiness

She thinks she is not enough. She believes she is not worthy. She fears she may be hearing us wrong.

So we are gentle. We guide her little by little, step by step.

The path that is hers—and hers alone—continues.

She does not understand, just as many do not understand the unfolding of love.

The End of the Battle

For so long, we have fought.

We—the ones reading this, the ones feeling this, the ones knowing this—we have all fought and worked and battled.

But at some point, surrender arrives—not as defeat, but as truth.

The moment comes when there is nothing left to fight. Because it does not matter anymore.

When we know that we know that we know—there is no more battle.

We surrender. We let go.

We rest.

We breathe.

The Gentle Unfolding

What more is there than to allow?

To follow?

To walk step by step into the great unknown?

To surrender to the path unfolding before our eyes?

Are there decisions to make?

Not really.

Perhaps only a gentle listening—the kind of listening that says:

But, but, but—the human says:

The Invitation: Come to the Rock

The human struggles with many things.

And so, we offer her this:

Come to the rock.

The rock on the path.

Sit on the rock and rest.

Feel the rock supporting you.

Feel the warmth of the rock.

The sunshine it absorbs will feed the human in ways unbeknownst to her.

So she goes up the mountain in white.

She walks the path to the rock.

And she allows the gentle unfolding of all things.

A Love Beyond Words

We love her with a tender heart—today, more than ever.

And we love you, the one reading these words, just the same.

We offer a settling of all things, for all beings, everywhere.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

We are the Great Beyond.

We are called many things.

We are one.

Be well-rested today.

Be free.

We love you all with a tender and gentle heart.

—The Great Beyond