Heart-to-Heart Connection with The Divine

By Jennifer Michaels • 1/21/2025

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A guided meditation to create a sacred connection with the divine through your heart space. Experience deep love, peace, and alignment with your true self.

Heart-to-Heart Connection with The Divine

Welcome, dear one, to this sacred guided meditation. Today, we will focus on creating a heart-to-heart connection with the divine. This practice allows you to experience the unconditional love, peace, and unity that comes from aligning your heart with the divine source energy.

Take this time for yourself to rest, reflect, and open your heart to the infinite love that is always present within and around you.

Preparing for Connection

Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can sit or lie down without interruptions. Allow your head and neck to be fully supported, and gently close your eyes.

Take a deep breath in through your nose, and exhale softly through your mouth. As you breathe, allow your shoulders to drop, your jaw to relax, and your entire body to settle into this moment.

Entering the Heart Space

Bring your focus and attention to your heart. Visualize your heart as a glowing space filled with warmth and light.

As you continue to breathe, gently affirm to yourself:

Feel the energy of your heart expanding with every breath, creating space for peace, love, and divine connection.

Connecting with the Divine

Visualize a radiant light in front of you, representing the divine. This light may appear as a golden, white, or other color that resonates with you.

Imagine this divine presence placing its energy in alignment with your heart. See and feel the light flowing into your heart space, merging with your energy.

As this connection deepens, affirm:

Heart-to-Heart Exchange

Visualize your heart and the divine energy exchanging love. Feel love flowing from the divine into your heart, and from your heart back into the divine.

This exchange is gentle, infinite, and filled with grace. Know that there is nothing you need to do—simply allow yourself to receive and give freely in this sacred connection.

Feel your heart filling with light, radiating out in all directions, blessing you and the world around you.

Releasing and Healing

If there are any burdens, fears, or heavy emotions in your heart, allow them to rise to the surface. Imagine the divine light gently lifting these energies, transforming them into peace and healing.


Feel lighter as the divine heart carries these energies away, leaving your heart space clear and renewed.

Expanding Love and Peace

Visualize the light of your heart expanding outward:


Closing the Meditation

As this meditation comes to an end, gently bring your awareness back to your breath. Wiggle your fingers and toes, grounding yourself in the present moment.

Place your hands over your heart and silently give thanks for this sacred connection.

Affirm to yourself:

Final Words

Thank you for joining this meditation to connect with the divine heart-to-heart. May this practice bring you love, peace, and a sense of unity in all that you do.

Be well.