Letter 2: The Earth and Trees

By Jennifer Michaels • 7/2/2018

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A message on our sacred relationship with the Earth and trees, reminding us to honor and respect our host, Gaia.

Letter 2: The Earth and Trees

Dear Humans,

We hesitate this day to say humans, for the word man is within it, leaving out the winds you refer to as woman.

And so, we must now continue with beings.

In this way, you will not exclude all life.

All Is Alive

Everything is alive.

Not only the people, but the animals, the plants, the water, the sky—

Earth herself, himself, is alive.

Earth is a breathing, living being—alive with passion and compassion.

All who reside upon her are alive.

She is in relationship with you, just as you are in relationship with yourself.

The beings that come and go upon this planet are like the cells of a body, dying off and renewing, the old passing, the new being born.

Earth is your host, as you would host another in your home.

She opens her door and says, Welcome, my friend.

Gaia says, Welcome to all who come.

She is your host.

He is host to many beings.

Honoring the Relationship

Let us speak to you now about this relationship.

If you enter the home of one who invited you in, you are polite, yes?

You take off your shoes.

You wait for a glass of water to be offered.

A guest room is waiting for you, but you do not take what is not yours.

You do not grab or look around without permission.

And so, we ask you now:

Am I taking what is not mine?

If there is something I need, have I asked politely and waited for the answer?

Earth speaks.

She will tell you yes or no.

“This is okay.”

“This is not.”

“My child, you are indeed in relationship with your host.”

Many have forgotten this.

She is being trampled on.

You think this does not matter.

But this matters.

Earth Awakens

Earth is awakening—as are you.

The relationship between you is changing.

As you find your way of engaging with your higher power,

please now find your way of engaging with your host.

Not only with your host,

but with your host family,

who have been here long before you—

your brothers and sisters, the trees.

The Trees Are Your Friends

Dear one, the trees are your friends.

They are your love, your breath.

They are you.

The one reading this may already be a tree hugger.

But if not,

if there is a stirring within you,

we offer you this transmission of wisdom:

I am one with all I see.

I am one with the trees.

Now is not the time to analyze this with the mind.

Now is the time to bypass the mind and allow these words to penetrate the heart.

You Are Known

The transcriber does not know who the reader is.

But we do.

We know you, young one.

We say young ones in reference to all beings—

for humanity is young.

And so, we will stop for today.

We ask that you walk gently today.

We love you with a tender heart.

We love you dearly.

Yours forever,
The Great Beyond

Final Reflection

That was Letter 2 of 23 from The Great Beyond, channeled during my time on the mountain in Mount Shasta, California.

It was channeled on July 4, 2018, at 8:54 AM.

If you have listened to or read this, you may feel energy moving within you.

Please, take care of yourself.

You may wish to pray, journal, meditate, go outside, be in nature.

Know that I love you, and Flow loves you.

Thank you for being here with us today.

Have a wonderful rest of your day or evening.

Be well.