About Breathing Earth Energy

By Jennifer Michaels • 7/5/2018

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A channeled message from The Great Beyond about the sacred breath, connecting with Earth, and embracing divine energy. A letter received in 2018 at Mount Shasta, offering deep spiritual guidance.

About Breathing Earth Energy


This is Letter Four of 23, channeled from The Great Beyond in 2018 during my time on the mountain in Mount Shasta, California.

This letter is about breathing earth energy.

So let’s get started.

The Sacred Breath

Dear Humans,

How much we love you.
How much we care.

Today is a day that God has made,
and it is good in Her eyes.

Please take a breath and breathe in that goodness.

Yes, we will pause for you to breathe.

Now, consider for a moment the breath.

It is indeed the breath of life—
it is divine.

All beings are born with it and die without it.

It is indeed the first thing you do upon arrival on this planet,
and the last thing you do upon departure.

The breath is a gift—
one of many that the Good Lord has provided to the beings of this planet.

Slow Down and Breathe

Breathe now as you read this.

Breathe each sentence.
Breathe each word.

Slow it down today.

Breathe in what you observe around you,
without commentary in your mind.

Just observe and breathe.

Breathe in,
breathe out.

Especially now, if you have the opportunity to gaze gently upon any of God’s creations—

Anything naturally occurring.

Even more now, if you are able to put your feet on the ground—

on the earth, Gaia—
please, now, go ahead and enjoy this luxurious way of breathing.

Connecting with Earth’s Energy

Breathe, then, with your feet on the ground.

Breathe through your soles—the soles of your feet.

Yes, indeed, my loves,
breathe up through your soles
the goodness and graciousness of your hosting planet.

Feel Gaia’s love for you.

Feel her never-ending approval of having you here.

Feel His steadiness—
rotating and spinning through the universe,
and yet, my child, for you—remaining steady.

Wherever you stand—
even if it is on the top floor of the tallest building,
with shoes on your soles—

you can indeed breathe from the bottom of your feet to the crystal core of Mother Earth.

The Crystal Core of Mother Earth

“Crystal core?” you may ask.

Yes, children—
connect the soles of your feet to Her crystal core heart.

Are you in a board meeting?
Are you busy with the children?
Are you driving your car?

It’s okay.

In one single breath,
your soles can open,
and you can connect to the One beneath your feet.


Because you are in relationship with The All.

And because it feels amazing.

A Breath Mantra for Today

Today, you may repeat with breath:

“My soles are connected to the crystal core of Mother Earth.
For this, I am grateful.”

“My soles are connected to the crystal core of Mother Earth.
For this, I am grateful.”

“My soles are connected to the crystal core of Mother Earth.
For this, I am grateful.”

Closing Blessings

Sweet beings, we are with you now, even until the end of time.

Signing off,
Love forever and always,
The Great Beyond

Final Words

That was Letter Four from The Great Beyond, one of the 23 channeled letters I received during my time on the mountain in Mount Shasta, California.

This letter was channeled on July 6, 2018, at 8:39 AM.

It was read with great love from myself and from Floww.

We know that listening to or reading these messages can sometimes stimulate energies inside and around your body.

So take great care of yourself.

You might like to:

Use some of the affirmations that the letters suggested.

And just know—
we are here with you.

Have an amazing rest of your day or evening.

Take care and be well.