The Breath of Oneness: A Guided Meditation by Yeshua

By Jennifer Michaels • 1/18/2025

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A sacred 20-minute guided meditation inspired by Yeshua, inviting you into a space of divine union, healing, and the breath of oneness. Connect deeply with Christ's eternal light and love.

The Breath of Oneness: A Guided Meditation by Yeshua

Welcome, dear one, to this sacred guided meditation offered by Yeshua. This meditation invites you into the Breath of Oneness, a divine practice of healing, renewal, and merging with the eternal light of Christ.

Take a moment to find a comfortable space where you can relax and connect with the infinite compassion of Christ and the Magdalene. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and let us begin.

Entering the Golden Light

Visualize Yeshua before you, radiant as a golden orb of light. A sphere of pure light surrounds you both, creating a sacred space where healing and peace flow freely.

He gently invites you:

Breathing the Breath of Life

Breathe deeply and allow the Christ child within you to grow. With each breath, feel a renewed vitality filling every cell of your being.

Yeshua’s voice echoes softly:

Merging with Divine Union

As you continue to breathe, hear Yeshua’s words resonate deeply within you:

Transforming Suffering into Light

Yeshua invites you to awaken your awareness to the suffering of others, understanding it as no different from your own.

See every heart glowing, calm, and at peace.

Resting in Infinite Love

Yeshua continues:

Feel your heart as one with his:

Closing the Meditation

Hear Yeshua’s final blessing:

Take a deep breath. Gently wiggle your fingers and toes as you bring your awareness back to the present. Place your hands over your heart and thank yourself for this sacred connection.

Final Words

Yeshua concludes:

Thank you for flowing in this beautiful guided meditation. May it serve you well and bless your journey always.

Be well.